
Cost for 2024: Varies by enrollment date, see details here
Dates for 2024:
May 28 – October 29 (22 weekly deliveries  for FULL sized shares, or 11 every-other-week deliveries for HALF sized shares)

Each year Ted grows 10 to 15 acres of organic vegetables for his CSA shareholders, offering the widest possible assortment of vegetables. We’ll get salad greens and cooking greens, herbs, an assortment of roots, bulbs and tubers, and seasonal vegetables, including tomatoes, squashes, cucumbers, peppers, melons, and eggplant. We’ll have peas in the spring, beans in the summer, and sweet corn every other week from mid July through mid September. And we’ll have a variety of unusual vegetables that come in smaller quantities.

Ted does a very good job of growing an array of produce, while the whims of nature do a similarly good job of keeping us all guessing as to which veggies will be ripe when, and in what quantities. The key to enjoying a CSA’s bounty: flexible expectations!

What exactly will your vegetable share consist of? While we can promise that you’ll receive many different types of delicious veggies in your share each week, keep in mind that the harvest is subject to any number of unpredictable meteorological phenomena. Variety is part of the fun of CSA! Also though, during much of the season, we use a free-choice distribution format; since member preferences vary, we try to offer as many options as possible. For example, there might be three or four kinds of greens available, and we’ll let you choose which to take home and which to leave. If you don’t like kale, leave it for someone who does, and take chard instead.

In terms of quantity, that also varies a bit from week to week—the season starts and ends with slightly smaller share sizes, and is pretty robust throughout July and August. This makes it hard to estimate quantity or poundage per week, since there is so much fluctuation. As a rough guideline, know that one full sized vegetable share tends to be more than one person can handle alone, but can work out well for a household of two to three or four–depending of course on how often you cook or how veggie-centric your meals are.

Below are some highlights of what you may find in your veggie share throughout the season:


Lettuces, succulent salad greens, ‘Mei Qing’ choi, ‘Oregon Giant’ snow peas, French breakfast radishes, white Japanese turnips, fresh scallions, potted Mediterranean herbs for your windowsill, and, with some luck, a harvest of spring broccoli. This is salad month, a fresh start to the harvest year.


Spring spinach and greens give way to baby beets, bunched carrots, crisp cucumbers, and, by mid-month, squashes, green beans, and basil. By late July, we’ll have green onions, sweet corn, and, with good weather, ‘Juliet’ tomatoes from our covered field houses.


The dog days… sweet bell peppers, egg-plants, zucchinis, red onions, and new potatoes. Dripping, sliced tomatoes, and mouth-watering melons. All these, along with lettuce mixes, more green beans, carrots, and herbs.


Cool nights invite the return of greens and broccoli, while warm days keep the summer vegetables happy. Garden salads and simple steamed vegetables adorn your table.


Frost ends the summer vegetables, but improves the flavor of those left behind. Crunchy carrots, perhaps some cauliflower, bowls of potato-leek soup, shell beans, steaming winter squash. And pie pumpkins .


The season ends with cold-loving kale and other hardy greens, salad greens from the field houses, dry beans, carrots, leeks, celery root, potatoes, and cabbage. Hearty stews and roasted root vegetables help us prepare for the coming of winter.

4 responses to “Vegetables

  1. I know it varies, but for the vegetable share, on average, how many family members do you think that will feed? Thank you!

    • stantonstreetcsa

      If we’re talking adult vegetarians who cook most meals at home, then two people per veggie share might be reasonable. If we’re talking adult omnivores who cook at home often but not all the time, then three people per veggie share would probably work out nicely. People who tend to eat out but want veggies in the fridge too might do well to split a share four ways. So yes it’s pretty variable but that should give you an idea.

      Keep in mind that share size fluctuates throughout the season, starting and ending smaller and being most ample during the middle third of the season, roughly.

  2. When are your summer pickup times? Thanks.

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