
Cost for 2024: $185 for FULL size, $92.50 for HALF size
Dates for 2024:
June 4 – October 22 (20 weekly deliveries for FULL sized shares, or 10 every-other-week deliveries for HALF sized shares – exact dates subject to change) 

The fruit share consists of fresh, local fruit, typically beginning in the early summer with strawberries, rhubarb and cherries, continues with blueberries and raspberries, progressing in mid summer to include peaches, plums, nectarines and apricots, and concludes in the fall with pears, apples and cider.

Some of our fruit is produced organically by Windflower Farm, and the balance is produced with minimal inputs (but not organically) by local farmers who use IPM or low-spray practices to manage their crops.

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